
A Parent’s Guide: Gardening With Kids

Gardening with your children is a fun and productive way to spend time together, reconnect with nature and get some exercise. Here are some techniques that will help everyone enjoy the experience. The Benefits of Gardening With Kids Improve your family’s eating habits Your kids will be more excited about eating fruits and vegetables that […]

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A Parent’s Guide: How to Encourage More Play Time

It may surprise you to learn that children who don’t play enough are more likely to do worse in school. Focusing too much on homework without adequate rest can lead to lower grades. It’s important to encourage play time and help your kids find a balanced approach to life. Tips to Encourage More Play Time: […]

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A Parent’s Guide to Parallel Play

Are you concerned about the way your toddler plays? They sit next to other kids with their blocks or trucks, but you don’t see them making much effort to interact. If so, you can relax. This is a natural and important stage of development called parallel play. In fact, it’s one of six stages of […]

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How To Discover Your Passion

What talents are hiding within you? Many people have grown up believing they didn’t have anything special or unique to add to the world. Perhaps they came from mediocre surroundings or had no encouragement for their gifts so they went unrecognized. Or maybe they repressed their talents because they felt ashamed. Whatever the reason, it’s […]

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How to Stimulate Your Natural Curiosity

Spice up your life by stimulating your natural sense of curiosity. Your daily activities can evoke just as much wonder as any story about Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. Studies show that we learn better when we’re in a state of heightened curiosity. In one experiment, test subjects who were interested in the […]

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