Spring cleaning is an annual task that almost everyone dreads. Fortunately, spring cleaning can be the perfect time to help your kids develop a good work ethic and enlist extra hands for the job. Try these ideas to get your kids involved in your spring cleaning efforts and teach them the importance of hard work: […]
Top Ways to Help Children Make Smarter Choices
No human has lived without making poor choices at some point in their lives. If anything, it seems like making mistakes is natural and part of being human. Unfortunately, for most people, some of these mistakes are so life-changing that they wish they could go back and correct them. Everyone has one or two or […]
How to Save Money on School Uniform
Every year parents deal with the challenge of buying school clothes. Shops are crowded, items are expensive, and you know your kids will probably outgrow everything before the clothes wear out. But there are things you can do to minimise the cost and avoid the crowds. 1. Set a budget As with anything else, the […]
How to Keep Up With Christmas Activities at School
Schools are very busy places all year round, but at Christmas time it can quickly become mind-boggling for parents to keep on top of everything their child needs to do in the busy run-up to Christmas. There are plays, carol services, costumes to take to school, Christmas parties, charity donations, teacher presents, Christmas cards to […]
Strategies for a Successful Parent-Teacher Consultation
As the school term draws to an end, most teachers aim to schedule parent-teacher meetings. In these consultations, your child’s teacher will give you valuable information about how the child is doing academically, socially and emotionally while at school. Sometimes, teachers share the results of various tests and explain what the test scores mean in […]
How To Help Your Child To Learn In School
Many people place value on educational success. Whether you feel it’s important to attain socioeconomic status, increase earning power, or simply be more of a well-rounded person, there are many arguments for pro-school attitudes. From the start of a child’s beginning in school, when they are in preschool or kindergarten, we can cultivate an attitude […]
A Parent’s Guide: Gardening With Kids
Gardening with your children is a fun and productive way to spend time together, reconnect with nature and get some exercise. Here are some techniques that will help everyone enjoy the experience. The Benefits of Gardening With Kids Improve your family’s eating habits Your kids will be more excited about eating fruits and vegetables that […]
A Parent’s Guide: How to Encourage Your Child’s Interests
Giving parents and children additional time to spend together has been one of the few bright sides to the pandemic. If your family was home for most of this past year, you’re probably more familiar with your child’s interests. Maybe you see signs of talent that you’re eager to develop. Maybe you’re concerned that they […]
A Parent’s Guide: How to Encourage More Play Time
It may surprise you to learn that children who don’t play enough are more likely to do worse in school. Focusing too much on homework without adequate rest can lead to lower grades. It’s important to encourage play time and help your kids find a balanced approach to life. Tips to Encourage More Play Time: […]
A Parent’s Guide to Sharing Hands-On Activities with Your Child
To engage your child’s mind, occupy their hands. Most children learn more effectively when they participate in activities, rather than just listening to lectures. While this has been true for years, it may be even more important today, given the hours children spend sitting passively in front of computers and television screens. Take a look […]